
Objective – to evaluate the relationship between oxidative stress indicators and individual proinflammatory cytokine levels in patients with rosacea.Material and methods. We examined 64 patients with rosacea (49 women, 15 men) aged from 28 to 63 years, of whom 23 were diagnosed with erythematous-telangiectatic and 41 persons with papulopustular rosacea. In patients with rosacea, indicators of oxidative stress were determined -the content of malonic aldehyde in erythrocytes and blood plasma, and fractions of oxidatively modified proteins (OMP Е370, OMP Е430) in blood serum, and the serum content of individual pro-inflammatory cytokines - interleukin-8 (IL-8) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) by enzyme immunoassay. To assess the nature of the relationship between the studied indicators, the methods of correlation analysis were used.Results. In patients with rosacea, there was a significant increase in the content of MA in plasma and erythrocytes compared to the control group (respectively: by 51.4% and 17.3%, p <0.001), in the serum - fractions of OMP Е430 and OMP Е370 (2.2 and 1.8 times, p <0.001), as well as IL-8 (2.1 times, p = 0.012) and IL-18 (1.6 times, p = 0.002). Analysis of the relationship between oxidative stress and the studied cytokines in patients with rosacea revealed a direct correlation between the content of MA in plasma and serum IL-18 (r = +0.51, p <0.05) and IL-8 (r = +0.42, p <0.05), between the content of MA in erythrocytes and serum content of IL18 (r = +0.45, p <0.05) and IL-8 (r = +0, 44, p <0.05), as well as between the serum content of OMP Е370 and OMP Е430 and the level of IL-18 (respectively: r = +0.53 and r = +0.32, p <0.05). Thus, the increase in patients with rosacea levels of oxidative stress indicators (MA, OMP) directly correlates with an increase in the level of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-8, IL-18).Conclusions. In patients with rosacea, direct correlations were established between the indicators of oxidative stress and the level of the studied proinflammatory cytokines, which proves the activating effect of the products of free radical oxidation of lipids and proteins on the production of inflammatory mediators in such patients and substantiates the advisability of combined prescription of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant drugs in the complex therapy of rosacea.


  • Мета роботи – оцінити характер взаємозв’язків між показниками оксидативного стресу та рівнем окремих прозапальних цитокінів у хворих на розацеа

  • We examined 64 patients with rosacea (49 women, 15 men) aged from 28 to 63 years, of whom 23 were diagnosed with erythematous-telangiectatic and 41 persons with papulopustular rosacea

  • There was a significant increase in the content of MA in plasma and erythrocytes compared to the control group, in the serum - fractions of OMP Е430 and OMP Е370 (2.2 and 1.8 times, p

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Мета роботи – оцінити характер взаємозв’язків між показниками оксидативного стресу та рівнем окремих прозапальних цитокінів у хворих на розацеа. У хворих на розацеа визначали показники оксидативного стресу – вміст в еритроцитах і плазмі крові малонового альдегіду (МА) і в сироватці крові – фракцій окисномодифікованих білків (ОМБ Е370, ОМБ Е430), а також досліджували сироватковий вміст окремих прозапальних цитокінів – інтерлейкіну-8 (ІЛ-8) та інтерлейкіну-18 (ІЛ-18) методом імуноферментного аналізу.

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