Balance is one of the properties of the system, and the problems associated with the assessment of balance, the choice of indicators, methods and tools that allow you to make informed management decisions in this area in the future are still open. The aim of the study is to develop and test a methodology for assessing the balance of the functioning of hierarchical socio-economic systems on the basis of the case of the regions of the Central Federal District of Russia. The hypothesis is that the proposed methodology can be effectively applied to study the balance of complex systems along with existing methods in the framework of a new theory of economic systems. The method consists in the formation of special indicators – the coefficient of harmony and the adjusted index of system balance, which allow us to assess the degree of balance of subsystems within the accepted space-time classification. The first of them takes into account the spread of generalized (integral) performance indicators that characterize the object, environment, process and project subsystems. The second one is the intensity of the relationships between them. The integral indicator is calculated by means of a special procedure for convolution of partial results (actual and normative). The norm is determined by a model of the relationship between performance and significant factor characteristics. The peculiarity of the proposed method is the possibility of its use at different levels of management. It also provides a reasonable comparison of the results of the functioning of various subsystems and elements by eliminating the influence of units of measurement and the scale effect; the mutual influence of the considered elements and subsystems is taken into account; the specific conditions of their operation are taken into account. The case of the regions of the Central Federal District is used to carry out a comparative analysis of the results of assessing the balance of subsystems using the volume of gross domestic product by region by type of economic activity for 2007-2018,. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using, along with the index of system balance, the coefficient of harmony. The practical results of the study can be used by government authorities to make decisions and develop measures aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the regions of the Central Federal District.
Balance is one of the properties of the system, and the problems associated with the assessment of balance, the choice of indicators, methods and tools that allow you to make informed management decisions in this area in the future are still open
The hypothesis is that the proposed methodology can be effectively applied to study the balance of complex systems along with existing methods in the framework of a new theory of economic systems
The method consists in the formation of special indicators – the coefficient of harmony and the adjusted index of system balance, which allow us to assess the degree of balance of subsystems within the accepted space-time classification
П. В связи с этим в рамках исследования предложено для оценки сбалансированности функционирования иерархической социально-экономической системы использовать, наряду с соответствующим индексом сбалансированности, коэффициент гармоничности, который учитывает разброс обобщенных (интегральных) показателей результативности [32], характеризующих подсистемы четырех типов. 3. Методика оценки сбалансированности функционирования подсистем с использованием коэффициента гармоничности и индекса сбалансированности Будем рассматривать элементы иерархической социально-экономической системы, совокупность которых, образующих множество (иерархия), разделена на уровни (государство, округ, регион (субъект РФ), муниципальное образование, предприятие) Lp. Каждый элемент уровня подчинен элементу более высокого уровня, причем несколько элементов одного уровня могут быть подчинены одному и тому же элементу более высокого уровня (например, совокупность регионов, которые входят в состав Центрального федерального округа (ЦФО)).
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