
Noise pollution affects day-to-day life both mentally and physically. Hence, it’s a growing problem in every major city of the world. Many diseases have been proven to be associated directly with rise in noise level. To combat the noise level government agencies have laid down certain guidelines which suggest noise level in different location to be in prescribed limits. These noise limits is different for different land-use pattern and also different for different timings also. Daytime generally experiences more noise level than night time in almost all the locations. In present study, noise level of a particular day of 24 hr is taken from 26 locations. These noise levels are used to construct noise map in ArcGIS for Delhi for both daytime ad night time. These noise maps are used to present a comparative study of noise pollution between daytime and night time. Research Study suggest that in the daytime most of the area of Delhi experiences 55-60 dB noise level while in the night time it is experienced that most of the location in Delhi, noise level is 50-55 dB.

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