
Policies and procedures of state highway agencies for articulating geotechnical information and requirements on design–build (DB) projects are the means to manage the geotechnical risk. Successful approaches and practices to managing geotechnical risk not only reduce the level of geotechnical uncertainty for both the owner and the competing design–builder but also distribute the remaining geotechnical risk between the parties. Discussed here are the differences with regard to geotechnical risk management, aspects of the DB procurement process, and contract aspects between state departments of transportation (DOTs) with experience delivering projects using the DB process versus those that are not as experienced. Results are presented from two independent sources of information: one was obtained through a literature review of aspects related to geotechnical requirements and management of DB projects and the other was obtained through an online survey of 38 state DOTs. Results of the study statistically demonstrate the value of DB experience in managing geotechnical risk and, accordingly, a set of recommended practices for agencies that are relatively new to DB project delivery, during both procurement and contract formation, is presented.

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