
Coffee is one type of plantation crop that generates high foreign exchange, this is because coffee is one type of plant that has a high economic value in sustaining the economy, especially for farmers in tropical regions. Studies on Robusta coffee are still rarely done compared to Arabica coffee, while Indonesia produces more Robusta coffee. There have been no studies on the combination of roasting and the level of fineness of Robusta coffee to produce brews that can be accepted by all circles. The research material was taken from the city of Lamno, Aceh Jaya, with a total of 9 samples weighing 500 grams each, the total amount of coffee beans used was 4.5 Kg. The coffee beans used are Robusta types that have passed the sorting and drying process from local farmers with a moisture content of 12%, then the cupping analysis preparation process and organoleptic tests conducted by identified panellists. The criteria with the highest priority scale value is Flavour, this result is based on the results of a questionnaire that has been filled out by panelists by comparing one criterion with other criteria, sample I is the top priority Globally (The results of alternative comparisons on each criterion whose results are compared again between other criteria). Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that the criteria that are the main priority is Flavour with a priority value of 38%, Alternative results with the highest priority value on Flavour criteria are alternative I with a priority value of 18.9%, Roasting level treatment and Grinding level have a significant effect on panelist assessment on all criteria that have been set.

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