This study assessed the psychological and social wellbeing status of cocoa farming households in Southsouth zone of Nigeria. A multi-staged sampling technique was used in selecting 240 Cocoa Farming Households (CFH) that were selected for this study. Data were collected from primary source using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and mean ratings were employed to analyze the data collected. Major findings revealed a grand mean of 2.85 indicating that social wellbeing status of the rural households is moderate with the mean of social integration ranking highest (x=3.14), followed by social contribution (x = 2.81), Social coherence (x = 2.78) and social acceptance (x = 2.77) that ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively. The grand mean of psychological wellbeing of rural households was 2.90, indicating a moderate psychological wellbeing status with the mean of variables under "Purpose i n life" having the highest mean of 3.18, this was followed by those under “Self-Acceptance” (x= 3.00) and "Personal growth" (x= 2.87) that came 2nd and 3rd respectively. The correlation result (r = 0.527) indicated a significant relationship existing between the cocoa farming households' psychological wellbeing and their social wellbeing status in South-South zone, Nigeria. The study concluded that both the psychological and social wellbeing status of the households are moderate, not high and therefore recommends that Extension agencies and Government need to reorientate cocoa farming households to keep them in the right frame of mind and attitude as they carry out their farming activities as well as give them financial assistance that will boost their level of production with increased income and in turn lift their social status and general wellbeing.
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