Roads irrespective of the type have specific standard horizontal distance measured at 90 degrees from a lot boundary to a development known as a setback. Non-observance of the recommended setbacks accommodated in any urban center’s master plan creates noise hazard to the public health and safety as the movement of vehicular traffic is not without the attendant noise. This study assessed noise intrusion level in shops along a section of Ibadan-Abeokuta road with due consideration to compliance with the recommended building structure setback. Analysis of noise descriptors evaluated in this study gave A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level average of 91.3 dBA, the daytime average sound level (LD) 92.27 dBA, traffic noise index (TNI) 41.63 dBA, the noise pollution level (LNP) 85.91 dBA and noise climate (NC) 5.38 dBA. Correlation analysis between the observed setbacks and the noise levels gave an “r” value of -.496 significant at p < .05. The paired t-test analysis showed a mean ± SD difference of 15.90 ± 7.08, and t-value of 32.99, corresponding to a two-tailed p < .05 with 215 degrees of freedom. This implies that there was a significant statistical difference between the noise levels measured at the observed and recommended setbacks
A comprehensive or master plan of any urban center or city covers areas such as land use, transportation routes, housing, conservation, and safety, Izueke and Eme, 2013
The descriptive statistics of the noise descriptors from the survey showed that the traffic noise intrusion level to the shops along the major road was apparently high with A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level (LAeq) average of 91.3 dBA, the daytime average sound level (LD) 92.27 dBA, traffic noise index (TNI) 41.63 dBA, the noise pollution level (LNP) 85.91 dBA and noise climate (NC) 6.52 dBA. , Kerketta et al 2011. which recognized noise intrusion characteristics of road traffic, found that the noise levels at the commercial areas ranged from 58.33 - 78.65 dBA
The mean upper limit of the fluctuating noise (L10) value obtained in this study (87.79 dBA) with a range of 74.60 - 100.30 dBA was found to be much higher when compared to the recommended noise level value (75 dBA) for land use description categories for developed areas by US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Mansouri et al, 2006
A comprehensive or master plan of any urban center or city covers areas such as land use, transportation routes, housing, conservation, and safety , Izueke and Eme, 2013. While international and inter-city roads designed for traffic between neighborhoods, carrying large volumes of traffic between areas in urban centers with moderate or high-capacity that are below highway level of service are usually categorized as major or arterial roads, the routes within a city (intra-city roads) are classified as minor , Oni, 2009 Both the minor and major roads intersect and share contributory traffic and similar roadside activities from the local streets and commercial areas such as shopping centers, petrol stations, and other businesses. As a factor decreasing distance for the relationship between the amount of noise pollution and traffic rates in Khojir national park considered for installing the national park fence Most of these traffic noise levels studies focused on intrusion to the residential areas where the commercials areas were considered, all the sources of noise were factored in the assessment with no specific consideration to the recommended setback compliance effect. This study assessed the various setbacks observed by the shop buildings along a section of Ibadan-Abeokuta road and noise intrusion level
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