Nearly 45 lakh children, mostly tribal suffer from stunted growth in Madhya Pradesh. Hence a cross sectional study was undertaken in two villages of Majhgawan block in which height, weight, and mid upper arm circumference of 112 Mawasi tribal were measured and recorded via standard techniques. Body mass index was computed using the conventional method, the data was then analysed using anthro plus software of WHO. The overall prevalence of stunting among tribal children (3-5 years) was 60.65%, with 47.54% moderate and 13.11% severe stunting. The prevalence of underweight among these children was 59.03% (47.55% moderate and 11.48% severe). The prevalence of wasting among these children was 26.24% (22.26% moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and 3.28% severe acute malnutrition (SAM)). Among 6–8-year children it was found that the prevalence of stunting and underweight was 64.36% and 83.5% respectively. 20.13% of children were thin (1.81% had severe thinness, and 18.02% had moderate thinness) in 6-8 years. The prevalence of thinness among 6,7- and 8-year children was 15.38%, 20.0% and 23.50% respectively. Thus, the overall results indicate high level of underweight and stunting, therefore based on the results, it can be stated that there is a urgent need for lot of work to be done on improvement of nutritional and health status of Mawasi children. The hand in hand support of government and the local bodies for upliftment of tribal community can make a huge difference in current scenario.
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