
Mutagenic activity of repeatedly used deep-frying fats was evaluated in relation to chemical characteristics. Deep-frying fat samples were collected from local restaurants and snack bars after sensory indication of abuse. A total of 20 deep-frying fat samples and 2 unused control fat samples was tested. Fat samples were fractionated into non-polar and polar compounds by column chromatography. Amounts of polar compounds obtained ranged from 2% (by weight) for unused fat to 44% for used deep-frying fat. Levels of di- and poly-meric triglycerides (DPTG) were determined using gel-permeation chromatography. DPTG concentrations of 13 used deep-frying fat samples exceeded the treshold level of 10% above which fats are rejected for use. In addition thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBA-RS) were measured. Amounts of TBA-RS were just above detection levels for most fat samples. Five used fat samples, however, contained relatively high concentrations of TBA-RS, ranging from 82 to 177 moles malondialdehyde/g. Non-polar and polar fractions were screened for mutagenic activity using the Ames mutagenicity assay. Mutagenic activity was found predominantly in polar fractions at doses higher than 1 mg/plate in strains TA97, TA100 and TA104, variously with and without metabolic activation. The highest number of mutagenic samples was detected by strain TA97, which appeared to be most sensitive. Some samples exhibited toxic effects. Chromatography blanks, consisting of solvents processed according to the same procedures as used for fat samples, were not mutagenic. Mutagenic activity was also detected in polar material obtained from unused frying fat. Non-polar fractions of unused frying fats showed no mutagenicity. A frying experiment carried out under laboratory conditions indicated that during repeated and prolonged use of deep-frying fat mutagenic polar substances were formed. Fat samples taken after 20 and 40 h of frying contained increasing amounts of polar compounds. Mutagenic activity was highest after 20 h of frying but was slightly decreased after 40 h of frying. At this stage, however, mutagens also appeared in the non-polar fraction. Mutagenic activity of polar fractions of used deep-frying fats in strain TA97 was positively correlated with levels of TBA-RS, which may indicate the involvement of lipid oxidation products in mutagenicity of used deep-frying fats. No significant correlations were found with other chemical characteristics. In the process of deep-fat frying numerous degradation products are formed, which may include mutagenic heterocyclic amines and other pyrolysates. At present the specific nature of mutagens formed during deep fat frying is unclear.

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