
An assessment of domestic water quality using microbial andphysicochemical parameterswas conducted on bothdomestic water supplysourcesand storage containers viz: borehole,upper and lower overhead tanksand stream waterin Calabarmetropolis. Watersamples meant for physicochemical and microbial studies were collected in 1.5L plastic containersandstored in safe conditionprior to laboratory analysis oftheirPhysicochemical and microbial parametersin line withAPHA recommended standardandWHO permissible limits to ascertain if the mean values of the water parameters were or not within the acceptablelimits for human consumption. The results of the descriptive statical analysis of the physicochemical and microbial components of the different domestic water sources revealed mean pH of 6,4±0.6 for the stream water, 6.33±0.57 for the borehole, 5.9±0.9 for the upper overhead tank and 5.79±0.59 for the lower overhead tank. Mean DO concentration of the stream was 7.25±0.25mg/l, with 8.66±0.54mg/lfor the borehole, 6.8±0.2mg/l for the upper overhead tank and 1.79±0.39mg/l for the lower overhead tank (Table 1). Mean water temperature recorded for the stream was 27.5±0.50C, with 27.40±0.60C for the borehole, 27.45±0.550C for the upper overhead tank and 27.71±0.310C for the lower overhead tank. Fe had mean concentration of 1.035±0.001mg/l in the stream water, with 0.040±0.560mg/l in the borehole, 0.664±0.014mg/l in upper overhead tank. Hg mean concentration was <0.001±0.00mg in all the water samples. Bicarbonate had mean concentration of 30.75±0.25mg/l in the stream water, with 36.85±0.256mg/l in the borehole, 24.69±0.31mg/l in the upper overhead tank and 30.75±0.25mg/l in the lower overhead tank. Mean total coliform components were 84.75±0.5 cfu/100ml in the stream water, with 127±2.5 cfu/100ml in the borehole water, 44±2.0 cfu/100ml in the upper overhead tank and 34.5±0.5 cfu/100ml in the lower overhead tank. Total plate count (TPC) had mean values of 127±1,0 cfu/100ml in the stream water, with 164.5±1.5 cfu/100ml in the borehole, 42±8.0 cfu/100ml in the lower overhead tank. Yeast/mould had mean concentration of 0.005±0.005 cfu/100ml in the stream water, with 1.5±0.5 cfu/100ml in the borehole water, 3.5±0.5 cfu/100ml in the upper overhead tank and 2.4±0.4 cfu/100ml in the lower overhead tank. To reducethe risk of human infection that may arise from the continuous use of the water sources andthe tank-stored water, it is strongly recommended that tanks be washed at regular intervals and the treatment of water with recommendeddoses of chemicals meant for such purposes

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