
Abstract Creep testing is an ongoing need, particularly with the development of new candidate alloy systems for advanced energy systems. The conventional creep test (CT) is regarded as a proven method to gather creep data however, the test is impractical due to being real-time: lasting up to 105 hours to characterize the service of long-lived turbomachinery components. Accelerated methods to gather the long-term creep properties of materials are needed to reduce the time to qualification of new materials. The time-temperature-stress-superposition principle (TTSSP) and the derivative time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP), time-stress superposition principle (TSSP), stepped isothermal method (SIM), and stepped isostress method (SSM) are accelerated creep tests (ACT) commonly used to predict the long-term creep behaviors of polymers and composites. The TTSP and TSSP tests require multiple specimen tested at various temperatures/stresses whereas the SIM and SSM tests employ a single specimen where temperature/stress are periodically step increased until rupture. The stepped creep deformation curve can then be time and strain shifted to produce a master creep curve. While these ACTs are useful tools to predict long-term creep, the drawback is the lack of mathematical laws to determine the virtual start time and time shift factors, especially for different materials. In this paper, a new self-calibration approach is developed and compared to existing SSM data for Kevlar 49. This new approach focuses on matching the creep strain rates between stress steps and fitting the data to a master curve using a modified theta projection model. This is performed using a MATLAB code consisting of five subroutines. The first subroutine takes the stress, time, and creep strain from SSM/SIM tests, and segregates the data intro arrays corresponding to each stress level. The second subroutine finds the constants for the modified theta projection model for each stress level. The third subroutine performs a time shift adjustment using creep strain rate matching. The fourth subroutine calculates the accelerated time of rupture. The last subroutine generates accelerated creep versus time plots. Kevlar 49 SSM data is gathered from literature and run through the MATLAB code. The master curves generated from the MATLAB are compared to the conventional creep curve of Kevlar 49 as well as the master curve gathered from literature in order to validate the feasibility of this new approach. The goal of this project is to vet if the self-calibration approach can produce results similar to the reference calibration approach.

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