
The main objective of this research is to review Korean fisheries structural adjustment policy and to evaluate the resource status and fishing capacity in the Yellow Sea. The Korean authorities have for some time followed a structural adjustment policy in fisheries, largely focusing on buyback of fishing vessels. This policy appears to have a significant contribution to reducing the rate of fisheries resource decline and some fish species, such as squid, Spanish mackerel and Jack mackerel, show signs of recovery. Nevertheless, even though a large number of fishing vessels has been retired for the last 15 years, the effective fishing capacity(i.e. engine power) has tended to increase. Thus, increased engine power has to a certain extent replaced decommissioned vessels. This trade-off, often observed under buyback programs, has occurred because of lack of effective institutional arrangements. In order to make the buyback policy more effective, the central and provincial governments need to develop an integrated policy including buyback, resource enhancement, off-fisheries income promotion, fuel subsidy reorientation and self (or co)-management programs. Also, the package program should be supported by a new R&D system that is focused on enhancing and maintaining the Yellow Sea’s environment and ecosystem. This will require far closer cooperative work among South/North Korea, China, and related international bodies.

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