
In recent times many studies e.g. “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” (TEEB) and the “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment” (MEA) have drawn attention to valuing ecosystem services (ESS) not only in natural environment but also in urban systems [The Economics of Ecosystems And Biodiversity (TEEB) Hrsg. Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature 2010, Infodienst Landwirtschaft – Ernahrung – Landlicher Raum Schwabisch Gmund Hrsg. Vergleich der Preiswurdigkeit verschiedener Mineraldunger 2011]. The assessment of ESS is an important part of nowadays economic issues and political decision making, especially in ecological urban planning. In this context, a project was launched at the Institue of Geography and Geoecology, KIT, to locate and valuate ESS for the example of Karlsruhe. Inspired by previous studies like the “Green City Index” (Singapore Index) or “City of Biodiversity” methods of identification, mapping and evaluation of ESS were developed. The mapping of biotope types according to the guideline of the State Ministry for Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation (Landesanstalt fur Umwelt, Messung und Naturschutz Baden-Wurttemberg (LUBW) Biotoptypenkartierung) was used to identify the different ecosystem types [7]. Five 0.5 km2 large areas (tiles) were chosen as representative parts of Karlsruhe to provide a general overview on urban ecosystem types. These ecosystem types can be evaluated with respect to the four ESS (provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services) mentioned in the MEA [Infodienst Landwirtschaft – Ernahrung – Landlicher Raum Schwabisch Gmund Hrsg. Vergleich der Preiswurdigkeit verschiedener Mineraldunger 2011]. Out of these four services urban relevant ES subservices were picked out to be valued with monetary and non-monetary methods. This study aims at localizing urban ESS and developing and summarizing new assessment tools, which can be used as basis for further studies in Karlsruhe or other urban systems. In addition, the results of this research holistically can be utilized to understand and sum up EES in Karlsruhe in follow-up surveys.

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