
Construction is a vital sector fostering economic expansion and development in Ogun State, Nigeria. However, conflicts and disagreements are a natural part of the intricate dynamics of construction projects, and the success of dispute resolution techniques has a big impact on project outcomes. This study investigates the frequency and characteristics of construction conflicts in Ogun State through a combination of literature review and stakeholder focus group discussions. The underlying causes of disagreements, covering problems with contracts, designs, delays, disagreements over payments, and issues with quality was dealt with. The study also looks at how accessible, understandable, and well-known various dispute resolution techniques are among those involved in the construction business, such as owners, consultants, and contractors. The study’s findings provide important new information about the dispute-resolution practices in Ogun State’s building construction sector. This research helps to establish methods for enhancing conflict resolution procedures by identifying obstacles and best practices, creating a more favourable climate for successful and long-lasting construction projects. This information is crucial for stakeholders, decision-makers, and practitioners because it can improve project delivery, lower project risks, and foster peaceful relationships within the construction industry.

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