
As the sports practice becomes more and more popular, the number of people interested in maintaining a balanced diet through the consumption of the nutrients necessary for the desired gains has grown likewise. The use of dietary supplements may aid in the complementation of this diet if their prescription is made by a qualified Nutritionist. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the anthropometric and nutrient consumption profile of the sport's practitioners of the city of João Pessoa, Brazil, in order to problematize the adoption of diets and the consumption of supplements indiscriminately by these individuals. To this end, a cross-sectional and descriptive field study was carried out with a population sample of 100 120 individuals using specific data collection instruments, namely: nutritional assessment (semi-structured questionnaire and usual food recall) and anthropometric evaluation (determination of body mass index and measurement of skinfolds). Statistical data on food consumption were evaluated by the WebDiet™ program and for the analysis of the descriptive data, the Microsoft Excel™ 2010 was used, expressing the results in percentage, average and standard deviation. Among the individuals evaluated, 49% were male and 51% female, both genders had insufficient consumption according to SBME (2009) recommendations. Regarding the intake of food supplements, 75.5% of men reported consuming some type of supplement, while 28.6% of women reported consumption of some type of food supplement. In this study it was possible to analyze that the daily caloric intake of both individuals was insufficient in relation to the authors' recommendations and that the consumption of dietary supplements, among most of the valuated individuals, was made by indication of a qualified professional.


  • Resumén La popularización de la práctica deportiva ha contribuido al aumento del número de personas interesadas en mantener una dieta equilibrada mediante el consumo de los nutrientes necesarios para las ganancias deseadas

  • Regarding the intake of food supplements, 75.5% of men reported consuming some type of supplement, while 28.6% of women reported consumption of some type of food supplement

  • Segundo a OMS (2000) a média do IMC dos homens e das mulheres foram classificados com sobrepeso e eutrofia, respectivamente, temos também que a relação das médias da circunferência da cintura (CC) de ambos os indivíduos estudados, estão abaixo dos valores de riscos recomendados segundo a OMS (1998)

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Assessment of dietary and suplementary consumption of body builders in gyms in João Pessoa. O uso de suplementos alimentares pode auxiliar na complementação desta dieta, se a prescrição destes for feita por um profissional qualificado. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o perfil antropométrico e de consumo de nutrientes dos praticantes de musculação da cidade de João Pessoa – PB, para fins de problematizar a adoção de dietas e o consumo de suplementos de forma indiscriminada pelos praticantes de musculação. Os dados estatísticos do consumo alimentar foram avaliados pelo programa WebDiet® e para a análise dos dados descritivos foi utilizado o programa Microsoft Excel® 2010, onde expressaram os resultados em porcentagem, média, e desvio padrão. Neste estudo foi possível analisar que o consumo calórico diário de ambos os indivíduos foi insuficiente em relação as recomendações dos autores e que o consumo dos suplementos alimentares, entre a maior parte dos indivíduos avaliados, foi feito por indicação de um profissional qualificado.

Resultados e Discussão
Condicionamento Físico
Risco muito elevado
Calorias Diárias
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