
The Guna(Static properties) in common terms known as properties or qualities. There are 41 Gunas in Ayurvedc classics. Among them the Gurvadi Gunas and Paradi Gunas are used in the various treatment measures. The Guru is known as heaviness. Gurutwa is correlated with Gravity in modern science. Parthiva and Apya Mahabhuta are responsible for this Guru Guna. The Guru drugs act as Brumhana(Nourishing as well as help to increase the mass of the tissues), Anuloman(Mild laxative). The exact opposite action of Guru drug is seen in Laghu Dravya. The Laghu drugs give Lightness to the body, as it is light in nature. The Akashiya, Vayavya, Agneya, Laghu Gunas are predominant in this drugs. These drugs act as Agnideepan(Appetizer), Strotoshodhan(Cleanses the channels). The more Parthiva Dravya, more the Guru can be considered. Less Parthiva Dravya more the Laghu can be considered. To assess the Parthivatwa by its correlation with Density and Specific gravity. Same can be considered for Jaliyatwa and Vayaviyatwa. Assessment of objective Parametric measures of Guru and Laghu Guna can be done by Density(Bulk), Specific Gravity(Liquid and solid). The Specific gravity, more formally known as relative density, is a measure of the density of a substance in comparison to the density of water. In this present research work there are 16 drugs for specific gravity for solids, 12 drugs for specific gravity for liquids, 20 drugs for Bulk density and the same 20 drugs for True density drugs have been selected.

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