
This article discusses evaluating CO2 injection as an enhanced oil recovery method. Carbon dioxide injection is a secondary and tertiary enhanced oil recovery method and is used in the final stage of development. Carbon dioxide mixes well with oil and can dissolve heavy components. Also, CO2 maintains reservoir pressure, which prevents the flow rate from dropping. In order for carbon dioxide and oil to mix, it must be brought to a critical state by increasing the temperature and pressure. After reaching the required conditions, both substances are fully compatible. The result of this combination is a medium that can easily seep through a porous medium. In fact, gas injection would be appropriate to use in a carbonate reservoir, and in our country and all over the world there are many oil fields that are located in carbonate rock. This work is based on data on a field located in the Krasnoyarsk region, which is part of the Angara fold zones. The field itself is represented mainly by carbonate reservoirs. Also, application of this method for Kazakhstan oilfield will be considered, using an example Zhetybay oilfield.

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