
In this study, plant species currently used for charcoal production were identified in major charcoal productioncentres or supply basins (SBs) in Togo. Impact of environmental policies on this activity were also assessed. Therefore,a sample of 310 charcoal producers in four SBs in different ecological areas throughout Togo, were selected. Lawregulating charcoal production, currently appointed to protect the environment were also analysed. Results revealthat the average quantity of charcoal produced is 323,353 tons per year. Producers are women (52%) averaging 39years of age. A category of seasonal producers are pupils who practice this activity during the holidays. Charcoal ismade in temporary kilns at the soil surface. In each SB an average of 15 native plant species are used. Transportersinfluence traders and traders influence producers with regard to charcoal quality. However, demand comes fromfinal consumer who prefers heavy charcoal. This study shows that environmental policies do not influence charcoalproduction in Togo due to the weakness of existing laws, no coordination between the institutions in charge of theenvironment and the overall failure of the energy policy.

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