
Rational use of water resources is of current importance in the integrated use and regulation of flow. Therefore, a water management calculation is needed that will allow water resources to be distributed efficiently and unacceptably, without allowing them to be overused. The article discusses issues of assessing the water resources of the Aral-Syrdarya water basin. To analyze the hydrological characteristics of the basin under study, series of annual water runoff were reconstructed and chronological graphs of annual runoff were constructed. At calculating the parameters of the annual runoff, total and difference integral curves were constructed, the values of the annual runoff were determined using all sets of data from hydrological posts of the studied Syrdarya River basin. The main statistical parameters of the annual river runoff, random errors in the mathematical expectation and the coefficient of variation were assessed.
 For water management calculations, data from the report of the Aral-Syr Darya Basin Inspectorate on regulation of the use and protection of water resources for 2016, as well as the Scheme for the integrated use and protection of water resources in the river basin, were used. Syrdarya for 2018.
 Analysis of the water balance for the periods 2010-2018. takes into account that the incoming part of the water balance of the Aral-Syrdarya river basin was 81,690.69 million m3, the outgoing part was 82,446.35 million m3. Based on the data, a water balance was compiled and an analysis was made that the flow decreased by 755.66 million m3, which naturally affected the decrease in the level of the Aral Sea. Also, according to the water balance of the Shardara, Badamskoye, Bugunskoye and Kapshagai reservoirs, accumulation was positive. But in the Koshkurgan reservoir, accumulation was negative.

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