
In this study bifidogenic potential of cowpea extract on the fermentation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis in modified TPY (Tryptone Peptone Yeast Extract) broth and milk were investigated. The optical density (OD650) in microbial cells, probiotic bacteria count, viability proportion index (VPI), prebiotic activity score (PAS) properties, lactic acid, total short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and amino acid concentration were effected with cowpea extract bioactive substrates in in vitro and milk models. The addition of cowpea effected milk gelation and physicochemical characteristics. As a result, the counts of bacteria remained with the suggested minimal concentration in probiotic food (>6 log10 cfu/mL) during the fermentation and storage. Cowpea flour extract showed high antioxidant activity as a result of the degradation of the phenolic compounds it contains by bacteria. The results of the current study show that cowpea has positive effects on nutritional and functional properties as well as in the fermentation process of in vitro and fermented milk.

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