
This research explores the measurement of background nuclear radiation, rate of exposure and the radiological risk for the inhabitants of South-western Nigeria. The measurement was carried out using Rad*Scanner model 500VBR, which measures radiation dose in count per minute. The mean absorbed dose rate ranges between 147.26 ± 8.13 nGy h−1 and 228.20 ± 20 nGy h−1, the annual and collective annual outdoor effective dose equivalent, with collective health detriment were estimated using the obtained data. The mean annual outdoor effective dose equivalent was estimated at 268.37 ± 38.25 µSv y−1. This value is below 1 mSv y−1 limit recommended by ICRP but greater than 0.1 mSv y−1 recommended by WHO. Using a population of 3,441,024, the mean collective effective dose equivalent was estimated at 923.46 ± 131.619 Man-Sv y−1. The collective health detriment was estimated to be approximately 15 men which could vary depending on hours of exposure.

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