
The basis of agricultural land assessment (soil rating, economic land assessment, normative monetary assessment of land) is the properties of agricultural soil groups (141 agricultural groups) within 11 natural-agricultural districts of Lviv region. The structure of the soil cover of Lviv region is dominated by sod-podzolic soils (17.9%), brown soils, mountain-forest (14.0%), dark gray podzolic soils (12.1%). Typical low-humus black soils (78.6%), podzolic black soils (75.2%), and black-meadow soils (66.9%) are characterized by the highest indicators of agricultural development. Quite significant agricultural development, due to large-scale drainage reclamation, is characterized by hydromorphic soils: meadow-swamp (94.7%), swamp (84.2%), peat-swamp (82.5%), lowland peatlands (72.1).
 The most significant disadvantage of rating is the use of outdated information about natural and acquired soil properties, which do not correspond to the current state, do not reflect the quality of soils. In order to improve land assessment indicators, it is advisable to conduct soil research on all land plots. The weighted average rating of soil quality of agricultural lands of the region is 26 and has significant fluctuations in terms of natural-agricultural areas (NAA): 48 points for Zolochiv and 10 for Turkiv, which is due to the structure of agricultural groups in these areas and their diagnostic indicators. Dark gray podzolic and degraded, black soil podzolic and slightly degraded (75 points) and black soil crushed on the eluvium of dense carbonate rocks (76 points) have the highest rating of arable agricultural groups in Lviv region.
 Economic assessment of land was carried out in the conditions of the collective farm-state farm system of land use at approximately the same cost per unit of production and therefore in modern conditions of diversity of agricultural entities they do not reflect the real situation and require significant improvement. The introduction of land reform in Ukraine has facilitated the monetary assessment of lands, which is determined by their location within a certain NAA, the composition of lands and the rating scores of the quality of agricultural groups of soils within them.
 The highest cost of arable land in Borshchovytskyi and Zolochivskyi NAA districts (56.3 thousand UAH and 61.6 thousand UAH per 1 ha, respectively) (agro-group 100 d, e). UAH The highest cost of hayfields in Zolochiv SSR district - 20.3 thousand UAH per 1 hectare (agrogroup 133d) The highest value of 1 hectare of pastures in Sambir-Zhydachiv NAA district - 16.7 thousand UAH (agrogroup 18c).
 Given the complexity and high cost of large-scale soil surveys within the state, it is advisable to conduct soil research on all land plots involved in civil relations (lease, sale, mortgage, gift, inheritance, mine), which will establish the real state of soil cover within their limits, calculate real assessment and, in the future, update information on the main means of labor in agriculture and forestry.
 Key words: soil resources, agrogroups, natural-agricultural areas, rating of agrogroups, normative monetary assessment of soils.


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Основою оцінки сільськогосподарських земель (бонітування ґрунтів, економічної оцінки земель, нормативної грошової оцінки земель) є властивості агровиробничих груп ґрунтів (141 агрогрупа) у межах 11 природно-сільськогосподарських районів Львівської області. Властивості ґрунтів, що є основою для розрахунку балів бонітету агровиробничих груп ґрунтів у межах природно-сільськогосподарських районів області, динамічні та обумовлюють необхідність повторного проведення земельно-оціночних робіт не рідше як один раз на 5-7 років.

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