
This paper explores the eff ects of the Ukraine confl ict on Georgia's tourism industry and its implica-Ɵ ons through a value chain analysis. The study examines various perspecƟ ves, including the eff ects of the war on Georgian tourism with and without migraƟ on and the subsequent eff ect of migraƟ on on the country's economy. The paper highlights the economic and safety-related eff ects that led to a slow recovery of visitors aŌ er the war. AddiƟ onally, the paper discusses the posiƟ ve impact of migraƟ on on future tourism fl ows, sƟ mulaƟ ng domesƟ c tourism and regional exploraƟ on. However, the infl ux of Russian migrants also increased short-term accommoda-Ɵ on rental prices, aff ecƟ ng vulnerable groups and potenƟ ally contribuƟ ng to inequality and poverty. Furthermore, the paper addresses the global implicaƟ ons of the Ukraine confl ict on internaƟ onal tourism, with Georgia being vulnerable due to its dependence on Russian tourists. The analysis also idenƟ fi es key fi ndings regarding the ef-fects of Russian migrants on various agents within the tourism value chain, including travel agencies, internaƟ onal transportaƟ on, accommodaƟ on, food and beverage, local transportaƟ on, culture, sports, recreaƟ on, and tour-ism-related products. The study concludes by outlining potenƟ al soluƟ ons to miƟ gate the negaƟ ve impact of the confl ict on Georgia's tourism industry, such as markeƟ ng campaigns, introducing new and more aff ordable fl ights, economy-related incenƟ ves, and improvements in service quality. This paper provides a comprehensive evaluaƟ on that off ers valuable insights into the complex impacts of the Ukraine confl ict on Georgia's tourism industry and its broader signifi cance for the global tourism economy.

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