
Bacillus coagulans was classified as sporogenic lactic acid bacteria and served as a vital potential probiotic. We reported the whole genome sequence of Bacillus coagulans 13002 which was assessed for the safety and probiotic properties based on complete genome in cooperation with phenotype analysis. The complete genome sequence demonstrated a single scaffold of 3,609781 bp with an average guanine and cytosine (GC) content of 46.86% and 3972 protein coding genes. The taxonomic status of the strain was established based on 1352 single copy orthologs genes. Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) annotation classified the predicted proteins with the function of cellular, metabolism and information from assembled genome. Risk related sequences corresponding antibiotic resistance genes, virulence factor genes and toxin encoding genes were identified and confirmed to be safe associated with acute oral toxicology test, hemolytic assay and antibiotic resistance test. Two gene clusters of circular antimicrobial peptides were detected by genome mining tools. Adhesion related genes and stress-responsive genes associated with tolerance tests such as the acid, bile salts and antioxidant activity in vitro, exhibited the excellent probiotic properties indicating the potential candidate as a probiotic.

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