
Postural deformities, such as rounded shoulders, kyphosis, and lordosis, are a prevalent issue affecting individuals of all ages. These deformities can lead to pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility, significantly impacting one's quality of life. Traditional methods for addressing postural deformities include physiotherapy, exercise, and postural braces, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and difficult to adhere to. To solve these problems computer vision technology has emerged as a promising tool for evaluating and correcting postural deformities. Computer vision algorithms can analyze images and videos of an individual's posture, identifying postural abnormalities and providing real-time feedback. The fusion of computer vision technology with AI-driven analytics not only revolutionizes postural correction methodologies but also paves the way for comprehensive, accessible, and efficient solutions to address the spectrum of postural deformities. As this technology continues to evolve, it holds immense potential in reshaping the landscape of posture-related healthcare, offering tailored, accessible, and effective interventions to enhance individuals' postural well-being. Keywords: Postural deformities, AI-driven analytics, Computer vision technology, Dashboard

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