
Industry 4.0 is considered as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and involves virtual and physical systems that are interconnected and collaborative in an autonomous way. The ready-made garments (RMG) sectors in Bangladesh have been undergoing a transition that encompasses the digitization of garment production processes. This research work provides the readiness assessment of the RMG sector of Bangladesh regarding industry 4.0 deployment. Industry 4.0 is a relatively advanced theory within the RMG factories, and it promotes the interest on how to make utilization of technologies included in the idea and take benefit from them as well. The study dilemma is that there is a limited amount of readiness assessments available that cover problems of interest. The research question has been created to assess the readiness level of the RMG sector in Bangladesh with regard to the application of Industry 4.0. The data collection and analysis techniques were adopted from the IMPULS model which is a foundation of the German Engineering Federation, VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau). The quantitative method of the IMPULS model was modified to address the study issue accordingly. The findings demonstrate that RMG factories are rated no higher than level two out of six levels (0-5). It indicates that they are in the emerging state of implementing Industry 4.0 and facing significant challenges, particularly in strategy formation and facility infrastructure to fulfill the demands of Industry 4.0. The conclusion is that a great portion of RMG factories of Bangladesh is at the beginner level. The beginner level is comparable to level 1, which indicates a low level of readiness. Lack of knowledge, limited government help, poor infrastructure, cheap labor availability, and high initial investment costs could all be the contributing factors toward a lower level of readiness.

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