
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and pre-chondrocytes (MSK-Ch) derived from them are an ef- fective tool for the restoration and maintenance of joint cartilage. This approach is based on the use of MSCs as a) chondrocyte precursor to form a cartilaginous implant, b) producing a large number of bioactive factors in the area of implantation. delivery of MSC and MSC-Ch into the damaged joint can be achieved by the implantation of scaffold with cells to ensure retention of the cells at the injection site and an additional supply of cells of biologically active substances.Scaffold based on fibrin glue (FG) are promising because of the high biocompatibility, biodegrad- ability, ease of use. FG cryoprecipitate of autologous plasma (Au-FG) patient or allogeneic umbili- cal cord blood plasma (uCB-FG) in some cases may be regarded as a preferred embodiment of ready commercial products. The advantages of the Au-FG are to minimize the side effects, risks of infection and the occurrence of allergic reactions, availability and reduced cost of the procedure. uCB-FG is enriched with biologically active substances and derived from byproduct during collection stem cells from the cord blood.We have developed a protocol that allows to obtain FG in a closed system throughout the entire process of blood sampling until the transplant procedure, which makes it possible clinical application of the Au-FG and uCB-FG. Also shown that cultivation in Au-FG and uCB-FG does not change the immunophenotype of cells and the level of their proliferation and has a stimulating effect on chondro- genic differentiation.

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