
This research explores the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies in shaping the distribution efficiency of China's Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Given the increasing complexities in the global business landscape, effective HRM practices have emerged as significant drivers of operational performance in these enterprises. The study focuses on three key HRM strategies: strategic HRM, digital HRM, and employee well-being practices. Findings reveal that strategic HRM, marked by the integration of HRM policies with organizational goals, substantially enhances distribution efficiency. Additionally, the advent of digital HRM, facilitated by modern technologies, has revolutionized traditional HR practices, leading to improved operational efficiency, including distribution. Furthermore, prioritizing employee well-being has shown to foster a productive workforce, positively influencing distribution efficiency. The study underscores the need for SMEs to adopt these HRM strategies to bolster their distribution efficiency, thereby boosting overall performance and competitiveness.

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