
The purpose of the article is to define the measures for increasing the efficiency of strategic human resource (HR) management of domestic enterprises in order to improve their competitive positions, considering the international experiences and the current advanced state of human resource management strategy. The article is focused on the analysis of international best practices in HR management. The essence of the concept "strategic human resource management" is studied. The main approaches and factors of the development of a human resource management strategy by the leading corporations of the world are analyzed. The influence of an effective human resource management strategy on competitive positions of international companies is defined. The methods of building an effectively functioning team, the system of moral values and rules of relations between management and employees are analyzed. A survey of respondents was conducted to analyze human resource management strategy at domestic enterprises. The measures are proposed, which take into consideration the modern tendencies in strategic HR management, introduction of which will increase the work efficiency at the domestic enterprises and their overall competitiveness: ensuring the compliance of HR management strategy with the business strategy of the enterprise; implementation of the principles of meritocracy – a system of recruitment, selection and promotion of personnel based on professional and business qualities; development of highly effective and transparent systems for employees, including clearly structured processes of training, mentoring, rotation; creation of personnel reserve; creating a trusting atmosphere in the team; supporting of a steady financial and emotional conditions by creating an effective motivational system; creating of an effective employee evaluation system, based on performance and potential development as well as development of value scales; understanding the strategic importance and key role of talented personnel; implementing of high-level global standards such as safety, health, language, laws and regulations, local practices and etiquette. The realization of necessary strategic changes at different management levels and at the level of an individual enterprise depends on the strategy of human resource management.

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