
Social media not only have been proven to cause unhappiness, but it can also lead to development of mental health issues like stress or depression when used too much or without caution. The present study was aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the individuals regarding consequences of Instagram and WhatsApp usage on mental health. The web link of the online questionnaire was disseminated and data was collected for 15 days (16th to 30th January 2022). A total of 632 participants gave consent and took part in this survey. Majority of the participants (76.3%) don't think that WhatsApp use can violate their privacy but 54.6% users have knowledge regarding its negative effects on health and lifestyle. Interestingly, 57% participant refuses to stop using WhatsApp even after knowing the negative effects. Majority of respondents reported that they didn't get influenced about the “stuff” on Instagram. However, 31.80% participants accepted that their feelings get influenced by the number of "likes" they get, and 44.4% participant stated that Instagram have effect on their mood and 19.3% respondents reported that they feel pressure to fit into a certain image on social media. Even, 21.2% participants accepted that they face mental issues because of Instagram use. A small proportion of Instagram users in Jazan reported that it has negative impact on mental health. Majority of the participants are not willing to stop use of WhatsApp even after knowing the adverse effects. It is advisable for social media users to create a social-media free slot in daily routine if they feel sad, lonely or depressed after using social media apps.

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