
The enhanced efficiency of C4 photosynthesis, compared to the C3 mechanism, arises from its ability to concentrate CO2 in bundle sheath cells. The effectiveness of C4 photosynthesis and intrinsic water use efficiency are directly linked to the share of mesophyll and bundle leaf cells,size and density of bundle sheaths, and size, density, and cell wall thickness of bundle sheath cells. Rapid microscopical analysis of these traits can be performed on free-hand and semi-thin sections using conventional light microscopy, providing valuable information about photosynthetic efficiency in C4 crops by means of identifying and examining specific cell types. Additionally, errors in freehand and semi-thin section preparation that affect anatomical measurements and cell type diagnoses are shown, as well as how to avoid these errors. This microscopical approach offers an efficient means of gathering insights into photosynthetic acclimation to environmental variation and aids in the rapid screening of crops for future climates.

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