Fatherhood is the act of being a father, as opposed to merely a child. The father has an important potential role at each developmental stage that his children pass through. During pregnancy and birth, the father-to-be plays crucial roles in the transition of the family. Fathers discipline with respect and with love, the goal being to help socialize their children in positive ways. Good fathers set limits and are firmThe present study was undertaken to assess the Impact of father's involvement in child care and development . The study was based upon the sample 120 respondents in South City, RajniKhand, RuchiKhand and Banglabajar were selected purposively from semi urban area in Lucknow city in U.P Interview schedule as used for data collection and Purposive sampling method was used for sample selection. F test and Chi square analysis was used for data analysis. . The result revealed that father's education and occupation had highly significant impact on father's involvement in child care and development. more involved in infant care giving have infants with greater cognitive development. Fathers involved with their children become high in level in their daily activities; they show higher level of sociability and high level of school performance. Psychologist have claimed father's responsibility is the most important for a child's developmental wellbeing (Russel-1983). Fathers have a critical role play in ensuring positive outcomes for their children. There is consistent evidence that father's interest and involvement in their children's learning (which was measured in terms of interest in education, outings and reading to the child ) is statistically associated with better education outcomes (controlling for a wide variety of to their influencing factors). These out comes included better exam results, a higher level of educational qualifications, greater progress at school, higher level of education qualifications greater progress at school, higher educational expectations more positive attitude and better behavior at school. Fathers tend to challenge children to try out and explore, acquire experience and become more independent. This might be one of the reasons that they influence their children's competence. Challenged children are more likely to develop problem-solving skills. Father are involved in their children's lives in a multitude of ways that go beyond the traditional roles of economic provider and playmate. However ,few studies that include fathers tap all aspects of fathers involvement in children's lives. Furthermore, the quality of father- child interactions is not as frequently studied or as well understood as is the quantity of father-child contact. Children with involved, caring fathers have better educational outcomes. A number of studies suggest that fathers who are involved, nurturing, and playful with their infants have children with higher IQs, as well as better linguistic and cognitive capacities. Toddlers with involved fathers go on to start school with higher levels of academic readiness. They are more patient and can handle the stresses and frustrations associated with schooling more readily than children with less involved fathers. The influence of a father's involvement on academic achievement extends into adolescence and young adulthood. Numerous studies find that an active and nurturing style of fathering is associated with better verbal skills, intellectual functioning, and academic achievement among adolescents. For instance, a 2001 U.S. Department of Education study found that highly involved biological fathers had children who were 43 percent more likely than other children to earn mostly As and 33 percent less likely than other children to repeat a grade. OBJECTIVE 1. To impact of father's occupation involvement in child care and development. 2. To influence father's education in child care and development..
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