A study on the grass-mat finfish community of Kugbo Creek was done in 3 zones of Kugbo Creek for 24 months. Biweekly samples obtained from the zones showed a total of 3192 individual finfish belonging to 26 species and 14 families. Occurrence among zones was 25 species were found in freshwater zone 1, 24 in fresh/brackish water zone 2 and 4 species in brackish water zone 3 respectively. The dominant finfish species was Dormitator pleurops with 451 individuals. The habit host rear species of Nannocharax niloticus, Karibia karibensis, Thysia ansorgii, Marcrousenius thuysi and Mastacablus loennbergi. Juveniles of Calamoichthys calabaricus, Heterotis niloticus, Channa obscura, Polycentropsis abreviata, Heterobranchus longifilis and Mastaceblus loennbergi, were also caught in the habit. This shows that some fish undergo part of their developmental stages in the grass mat habitat, including some with high commercial values. Some species such as Gymnacus niloticus and Hepsetus odoe build their spawning nest in the grass mat where they lay eggs during breeding season. Virtually all other fresh water fish species also visit the habitat either in search of food or shelter at one time or the other as most stomach content compositions are also found in the grass mat habitat, e.g. Papyranocranus afar and Xenomystus nigri, . The habitat sheltered endangered finfish species such as Neolebias powelli, that was caught during sampling. These suggest the importance and sensitive nature of the
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