
The article examines the aspects of improving the ecological and economic mechanism of balancing the development of horticulture in the context of environmental safety. It is substantiated that the functioning of the ecological-economic mechanism of management of nature-use processes is caused by the need to create conditions for the establishment and development of an ecologically oriented way of conducting economic activity of subjects of the national economy. It was determined that the influence of state authorities (subjects of the mechanism) on certain interests of economic subjects of the national economy (objects of the mechanism) is carried out by applying a certain set of management methods and tools. It has been proven that the strategic priorities of the development of horticulture in Ukraine are: increasing the quality parameters of production; bringing quantitative indicators to the level of ensuring domestic needs and increasing the share of fruit and berry exports; expansion of fruit and berry products sales markets; rational use of investment and material and technical resources; implementation of innovative and intensive technologies for growing perennial plantations; compliance with environmental requirements in the production process; deepening of territorial specialization; application of the model of regional organization of cluster-type relationships; structural restructuring of the organizational and economic mechanism of reproduction in the industry on an innovative basis.

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