
Objective. The objective of the study is the analysis of current measures for the budget process organizing and the identification of alternative sources of balancing local budgets in the conditions of martial law in order to reduce the negative impact of war on the formation of local budgets and the implementation of operational management of the formation of territorial communities' resources. Methods. A set of general and special methods of scientific research of economic processes were used, in particular: a systematic approach, comparison, grouping, detailing, generalization, methods of statistical analysis, etc. Results. Aspects of providing the balanced development of local budgets under martial law are studied. It was determined that during the independence of Ukraine, martial law was never introduced, therefore there are no studies of theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of local budgets in the specified conditions. It was noted that the local budgets assumed a significant part of the costs for the formation of the resource potential for effective countermeasures against the enemy and, at the same time, for solving the socio-economic problems of the population living in this territory and internally displaced persons from occupied and particularly dangerous regions. After all, the war caused large-scale destruction of civil infrastructure, a humanitarian catastrophe, and has devastating economic consequences. The authors have made an attempt to summarize the measures regarding the organization of the budget process in the conditions of martial law, which were taken by the central bodies of executive power of various levels in order to reduce the negative impact on the formation of local budgets and the implementation of operational management of the formation of resources of territorial communities. These measures are classified according to the areas that have the greatest impact on local finances, such as tax, social and budgetary policy. It was emphasized that as a result of the listed measures implementation, the central governmental bodies in Ukraine managed to create a certain environment that contributes to the protection of the sphere of local finances and forms the basis for its stability in the conditions of modern uncertainty. However, it is clear that despite the state of war, every community needs to take measures to balance local budgets and find reserves to fill local budgets by attracting new sources and using existing funds effectively. The authors express the opinion that in the process of finding new sources for replenishing local budgets, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the potential of internally displaced persons, to the possibility of attracting enterprises to relocation, providing production sites, especially to enterprises that have lost production in the south and east of the country, etc. Optimization of the expenditure part of local budgets, according to the authors, is possible due to the suspension of funding of those measures that do not contain a strategic component of improving the security of the territorial community.

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