Shortfin Scad (Decapterus macrosoma), is a pelagic fish that plays a role in the economic sector of fishermen in South Sulawesi waters. Apart from being consumed by the public, Shortfin Scad is also used as bait for tuna and is exported frozen. Shortfin Scad is a type of small pelagic fish that is dominantly caught and has high economic value, especially for areas with more oceanic waters such as in eastern Indonesian waters. The aim of the study was to determine the population dynamics of the Shortfin Scad (D, macrosoma) in Bululumba waters. The research was conducted in the waters of the Flores Sea, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. Sampling of fish to measure fork length and to observe gonadal maturity was carried out randomly every month. Information on population parameters obtained in this study is group age, Yield Per Recruitment, Growth, Mortality and level of exploitation. The results showed that there were 3 groups of Shortfin Scad (D. macrosoma), the female fish had a long mode range: 18.4 – 22.08 cm; 21.16cm – 25.8cm; 20.24 – 26.7 cm and in male fish it has a long mode: 17.3 cm – 22.3 cm; 21.05 cm – 24.8 cm,; 24.8cm – 28.6cm. The asymptote length is 33,293 cm for female fish and 27,023 cm for male fish. The estimated Y/R for female fish was 1.96 gram/recruit and male fish was 2.91 gram/recruit. The threshold value (E) of female fish is 12.60 per year and male fish is 17.84 per year. in the female and male fish that exceeds the optimum limit. The value of the rift rate of Shortfin Scad (D. macrosoma) in the waters of Bulukumba Regency experienced over fishing.
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