
Aspect level sentiment analysis belongs to fine-grained sentiment analysis, w hich has caused extensive research in academic circles in recent years. For this task, th e recurrent neural network (RNN) model is usually used for feature extraction, but the model cannot effectively obtain the structural information of the text. Recent studies h ave begun to use the graph convolutional network (GCN) to model the syntactic depen dency tree of the text to solve this problem. For short text data, the text information is not enough to accurately determine the emotional polarity of the aspect words, and the knowledge graph is not effectively used as external knowledge that can enrich the sem antic information. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a graph co nvolutional neural network (GCN) model that can process syntactic information, know ledge graphs and text semantic information. The model works on the “syntax-knowled ge” graph to extract syntactic information and common sense information at the same t ime. Compared with the latest model, the model in this paper can effectively improve t he accuracy of aspect-level sentiment classification on two datasets.

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