
Considering the dual nature of the human condition-body and soul-, with respect to the entirety of all its activities, the man has always been regarded in this binomial identity, taking into account both his physical and spiritual needs. Such an approach could by no means be separated from the military slant, given that it is on the battlefield that the soldiers feel the proximity of death and therefore have the deepest and most dramatic thoughts about their past, present and even future life. This is the very reason why the clergy’s presence amid the soldiers has always been a necessity, not only with a view to a victory but also in the eventuality of a defeat. Thus, the priests’ spiritual guidance has not been restricted to the mere uttering of the consecrated prayers or blessings. Above all, the assistance provided by the church stood out through the personal example of heroism, not once chaplains leaving their bodies on the battlefield just next to those of the brave soldiers whom they previously encouraged. In the following lines I aim to outline the main features of the history of chaplains and their military activity, focusing especially on those elements occurring prior to the World War I.

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