
The Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) completed 25 years in August 2021 after fulfilling its primary aim of bringing together, Earth scientists from Asia and Oceania regions. Since its first formal meeting in Tangshan, China during August 1–3, 1996 under the umbrella of IASPEI Regional Assembly, ASC independently organized 11 General Assemblies across the Asian Continent from Armenia and Iran in western Asia to Australia in Oceania, once every two years, without a break. The Training Courses in Seismology preceding these Assemblies greatly helped in developing a strong work force that came very handy after the extreme event of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and underlined the importance of scientific cooperation within Asian and Pacific Ocean countries. The Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) in its closing report to the IDNDR/STC (1992–98) acknowledged the significant contributions of the first two ASC technical meetings held in Beijing (10/93, 10/94) and Hyderabad, India (3/96) in the outcome of their program in Eastern Asia (GHSAP Region 8). This paper describes the ASC events that occurred during its journey from birth to reaching the pinnacle of its glory at the end of the Silver Jubilee Year in 2021. This paper will also serve as a recorded history for posterity to build upon the efforts already made, by the coming generations in this field.

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