
The promotion and protection of human rights, strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law are the main principles of Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It includes the protection of the rights of marginalised group, such as people with disabilities. ASEAN’s policy framework towards advancing the rights of disabled people started from Bali Declaration on the Enhancement of the Role and Participation of Persons with Disabilities in 2011 and continued with the recent ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025: Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which materialised in 2018. This is included in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to reduce inequalities and promote inclusion in society. At the world stage, the human rights treaty of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has strengthened the recognition of rights of this marginalised group under the law. Most of the ASEAN State Members have ratified the CRPD, including Malaysia. Therefore, it is crucial for Malaysia to take serious action in implementing the CRPD, together with Bali Declaration 2011 and ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025 to strengthen the legal and policy framework, and promoting and protecting the rights of PWD. This paper would address the importance of realisation of the recent Enabling Masterplan 2025 into policy and law related to persons with disabilities in Malaysia. It would benefit the protection of human rights and inclusiveness of society in dealing with various issues related to the disabled community.

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