
ASEAN has remained an intergovernmental organization based on consensus and non-interference in domestic affairs since its first establishment in 1957. Progress towards integration in this region has been slow. After facing criticism for its weak response to the Asian financial crisis, ASEAN decided to step up cooperation by forming ASEAN Community in 2015, a community based on three pillars: economic, political-security, and socio-cultural. ASEAN community building over many decades has made significant steps for deepening regional economic integration, seen as an approach to supranational integration. Supranational organizations are seen by many as a better way to govern the affairs of nations, prevent conflict and promote cooperation, particularly on economic matters. Because AC indicates ASEAN’s intentions to shift from intergovernmental toward supranational, this research will examine the ASEAN attempt to become a supranational organization. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with legal and socio-legal approaches that focus on policies and regulations. Social, economic, and political perspectives are also used in this study as an analysis tool. This study found that despite making remarkable developments for deepening economic integration, ASEAN is unlikely to head into a supranational organization due to sovereignty preservation of member states as a basic fundamental principle of organization. However, this study concludes that supranational organizations could still become a reference for ASEAN’s future institutionalization.

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