
ASEAN is recognised as the primary regional convenor as it has succeeded in bringing together its dialogue partners and other countries into various ASEAN-driven regional mechanisms to promote regional dialogues and cooperation on a wide range of issues. The two most important regional forums that showcase ASEAN Centrality are the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the East Asia Summit (EAS). ASEAN’s ability to act as the primary driver in shaping an open and inclusive regional architecture has been based on its established network of relations and the fact that ASEAN is not perceived as a threat to anyone. Indonesia has played a critical role in promoting ASEAN Centrality and ensuring a dynamic equilibrium between the major powers. However, the rise of China and intensifying great power rivalry, particularly between the United States and China, has posed a great challenge to ASEAN Centrality. ASEAN will need to strengthen its internal cohesion and a common strategic position in facing external challenges to maintain its centrality.

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