
Recent technological advancements, notably in augmented reality (AR), have disrupted the marketing landscape, arousing interest in immersive experiences for consumers. In particular, AR has emerged as a powerful tool for marketers across various industries for bridging the imagination gap. Despite this potential, many managers grapple with how to strategically integrate AR. The literature on AR marketing highlights its ability to inspire, engage, increase sales, induce impulse buying, and enhance customer–brand relationships. However, a comprehensive understanding of the value AR provides to users remains lacking. This study addresses this gap by applying consumption value theory to identify the dimensions influencing AR usage. By integrating this theory into the technology acceptance model, we establish a coherent framework for analyzing the values driving AR adoption. The study uncovers the importance of convenience value and informational value, in particular, for closing the imagination gap. While emotional hedonic value was only significant for female consumers, there was no statistical support for monetary value and social value in the present study. Thus, this study uncovers motivational values that people seek when they use AR.

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