
The proliferation of influencer marketing has led to consumer information overload, making it crucial to create posts that effectively engage consumers. This study employed semi-structured interviews, scenario experiments, and csQCA analysis to explore this issue. It found that the relationship between influencer's photo-editing behavior and consumer's engagement intention is an inverted U-shape, considering the countervailing influences of perceived authenticity and attractiveness. Specifically, photo-editing behavior negatively impacts perceived authenticity, which in turn positively impacts engagement intention. An inverted U-shaped relationship exists between photo-editing behavior and perceived attractiveness. Furthermore, caption text and emojis moderate these relationships. Precise caption text (vs. ambiguous caption text) diminishes the negative impact of photo-editing behavior on perceived authenticity, thus flattening the inverted U-shaped relationship between photo-editing behavior and engagement intention. Emoji combinations (vs. normal emojis) raise the peak of the inverted U-shape between photo-editing behavior and perceived attractiveness, steepening the curve between photo-editing behavior and engagement intention. Optimal consumer engagement is achieved with moderate levels of photo-editing behavior, precise caption text, and emoji combinations. This study resolves contradictions in existing research and offers new insights into influencer marketing.

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