
The use of the myth in modern Kazakh prose in different senses is of interest to the reader. This allows us to determine how the authors' attitudes towards different literary trends are conveyed in the choice of basic myths to reflect the ideas presented in the myth. Using myths, the author enters into a dialogue with several traditions, and secondly, reinterprets a well-known mythological plot, creates his own image, as a result of which the narrative becomes a myth. The protagonist's mythological worldview is characterized by a special perception of time and space. This scientific article analyzes the features of the use of folk myths in Kazakh prose and identifies their artistic function.The prerequisites for renewed interest in myth in Kazakh prose at the end of the 20th century are being clarified. The relationship of mythological traditions and new literary trends in Kazakh prose is considered. The artistic function of myth is determined in the image of real life through mythological models and images.

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