
The article draws attention to the role of mythology in the literature of the twentieth century, particularly in postmodernism. It is asserted that the use of myth allows you to achieve various artistic goals: create images, convey relationships. It is noted that the mythological symbolism fits well into the process of formation of intertextuality as the main feature of postmodernism. The main statements are illustrated through the work of Ch. Aitmatov on the example of the novel “When the mountains are served” (“The Eternal Bride”). The writer uses mythological plot, which is transformed and acquires a new sound and meaning, corresponding to modern reality. In the modern world, the synthesis of mythology and realism has become an integral part of culture. These changes gave impetus to the search for new signs and symbols in the literary process. Myth, parable, legend have an active formative influence on modern prose, contribute to the appearance of images-symbols, images-metaphors, images-allegories. The myth, crystallized for centuries and even millennia of its existence in the minds of different peoples, people of different eras, gives the most vivid examples of life situations, eternal emotions – such as love, loyalty, hatred, betrayal, selflessness. Ch. Aitmatov’s mastery in this work consists primarily in the fact that the actual biblical events are pushed into the background here, as it were, and the author's main attention is focused on the study of the psychosocial state of the planet. The theme of Zoroastrianism is introduced through myths: the people believe that this is the only way to return the “Eternal Bride”. In the image of Ch. Aitmatov, myths change their structure. They become closer to modern life, synthesizing samples of the mythical creativity of the Kyrgyz people with the actual problems of our time, the writer creates a truly philosophical and psychological novel embodying the sacred covenant of the ancestors about love and protection of nature. Thus, the commonality between the symbolic image of Zhaabars and Arsen seems obvious, the writer turns to the origins of national cultures, to mythopoetic models of artistic thinking, deeply reveals the spiritual world of his heroes. In his works, Ch.Aitmatov through folk mythology was able to reveal the multifaceted symbolism of the meaning of human existence, preserved in the mythological consciousness of the people. It is no coincidence that the myth - making of Ch. Aitmatov became not only a school for Turkic writers, but also a moral reference point in the development of the mythological tradition. It is discussed the features of postmodernism at the final part of the article, its difference from other directions. The use of mythologems, their creative processing is evidence of the originality of the mythological thinking of modern writers.

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