
Fiction style in literature means a special speech style that is common in both world fictions in general and in copywriting in particular. It is characterized by high emotionality, a wealth of direct speech, colors, epithets, and metaphors, and it is also designed to influence readers’ imagination and serve as a stimulus to their imagination. Sometimes, in an artistic text, the author expresses his/her feelings in order to form readers’ correct attitude to certain things described. Such an attitude can be either positive or negative. The detail we analyze in our article is an element that serves to draw readers as close as possible to the textual environment being described, to complement the content of the artistic text, and to enrich it with different colors. The article discusses this topic in the example of famous Chinese novelist Pu Sung-ling. His short stories are very popular and have been published in many languages around the world. In the writer’s lifetime and beyond, intellectuals read these short stories, and street storytellers turned them into lively spoken language, the plots in these short stories were presented on stage, reflected in paintings and miniatures. In Pu Sung-ling’s short stories we find the author’s elaboration of details, i.e., specialization in literature. In other words, the main idea of this article is the author's attention to details. As we become acquainted with the analyses related to the details of the work in the stories, we see that this topic is of a special importance in Chinese literature. Although Pu Sung-ling's “Liao Jai's Stories of strange” was written in Venus under the pseudonym Liao Jay, his work also reached such heights because of its simplification of Venetian and the simplification of the vernacular, which was much easier and more methodologically simple. Although Pu Sung-ling is the author of other works, “Lyao Jai’s Stories of strange”, which we cite as examples in the article, was widely known in Pu Sung-ling’s land and later all over the world, gaining people’s interest and respect.

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