
Purpose: Libraries may become obsolete in the twenty-first century unless they begin to harness new technology and improve information and service delivery. This paper examines the potential application and implications of artificial intelligence for contemporary library services in Nigeria. Methods: This paper adopts the expository research approach to evaluate the application and implication of artificial intelligence in contemporary library services in Nigeria. Through systematic analysis of literature, the study addresses how academic libraries can utilize artificial intelligence to support innovative library services. Findings: The column emphasizes that, academic libraries in Nigeria have not yet adopted and applied AI, in spite of the potential that it holds for libraries. Given that there has been relatively little study linking artificial intelligence (AI) to librarianship, this may be because there is a low degree of awareness and adoption of AI's importance in libraries.Conclusions: This column is the original idea from the authors and does not reflect on any copyrighted materials. The column recommended that, academic libraries in Nigeria should fully embrace artificial intelligence like chatbots, barcodes, RFIDs, and robots for delivering quality services and libraries should also leverage on the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence to reconnect their remote users, and consequently re-establish their relevance among the user community.

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