
The 21st century is known as the beginning of the knowledge age; a millennium characterized by leveraging on information to stay ahead using technology. The library occupies a critical place in the quality of information accessed and leveraged on by researchers and students. Academic libraries in Nigeria are not disconnected from this technology-based-information revolution. This study looked at advancement of smart academic libraries in Northern Nigeria: issues and way forward. Its objectives was to determine smart services available, investigate the extent of deployment, examine the underlying issues that hinder effective smart service delivery and proffer strategies for way forward in Northern university public academic libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted a review of documents and literature on smart academic libraries in Nigeria. Five public universities were purposively observed and sampled on their smart library perspective and capacity. Google-Forms-structured questionnaire was used through different online platforms. Simple percentage and frequencies were used in analyzing data collected. Findings showed that there are existing smart library services in the academic libraries of Northern Nigerian public universities but the extent of deployment of smart library services in their academic libraries is low. The research also revealed the numerous issues faced in providing smart services. The study recommended that the institution and library managements of academic libraries in Northern Nigerian public universities step up on ICT policy framework, practical deployment of smart library technologies and training of library staff for improved smart services.

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