
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into industrial engineering, epitomized by the advent of Industry 4.0, has reshaped manufacturing landscapes. This article explores the profound impact of AI over the past decade, focusing on predictive maintenance, operational optimization, robotics, quality control, and supply chain management. Predictive maintenance, facilitated by machine learning algorithms, minimizes downtime and optimizes resource allocation. Operational optimization, achieved through AI's real-time data analysis, enhances decision-making, resource utilization, and overall efficiency. The infusion of AI into robotics elevates manufacturing capabilities, while quality control processes benefit from advanced image recognition and machine learning, ensuring higher standards. In supply chain management, AI predicts demand, optimizes inventory, and streamlines routes, fostering resilience. Human-machine collaboration, highlighted by collaborative robots and AI-driven workforce empowerment, underlines the transformative synergy. The article concludes with a reflection on the past decade's developments, emphasizing the ongoing evolution of AI in industrial engineering, promising smarter, more adaptable, and globally competitive operations in the future.

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